Noah shares why he’s taking a break from long-form podcast episodes, and what you can do to help bring them back. The content of this episode is really about soul rest, honoring limits, and enjoying God as Noah gives you an authentic look into his last two years of discernment regarding burnout and overcommitment. He shares recent breakthroughs and conclusions from this discernment period, and how God is using it to shape his spiritual formation.
Ep. 78: The Flip Side Goes On Sabbatical
The Flip Side Podcast is going on a sabbatical. 5 Minute Flips will continue. Listen to this episode to learn more and be challenged to find rest in your own life.
Mind, Body, Heart, Soul Prayer
Lay down on your back and close your eyes. God, I give you everything that is on my mind. I give you everything I’m trying to solve. I give you all of my problems. I give you all of the world’s problems that are on my shoulders. I give you all the injustices. I give you the people who are against me. The problems I can’t solve. The people I’m waiting for. The stress and the strain. They are yours now. I take them off my shoulders and out of my mind and put them in your hands. I close your fingers around them. I now rest my mind in your presence. I rest in being with you. I rest in being your son/daughter. I rest in being a human being not a human doing.
Ep. 5 (or 67) The Lord’s Prayer, books, and being on hold
Episode 5 (or 67) takes a look at The Lord’s Prayer, what each line really means, and how to really use the prayer in an impactful, experiential way to hear from God.
Invitation to Retreat by Ruth Haley Barton
I love hearing Ruth Haley Barton’s voice when I read her books. I have been on nine retreats led by Ruth over approximately a two year period. When I go to read her books, I can’t help but hear the inflections in her voice and her deep care for ministry leaders (for me!) as she […]
Episode 38 – Kent Carlson discusses shifting the church he founded from a seeker-driven megachurch to a church of spiritual formation
You can listen to Noah Filipiak’s “Behind the Curtain” Podcast interview with Kent Carlson on the Podbean Player below or you can subscribe to all “Behind the Curtain” Ministry Podcast episodes on iTunes. (Podcast listening tip: use the podcasts app on your smartphone and listen while driving, doing chores, or working out) Noah Filipiak interviews […]