essens here, doesn’t it? We know this is the direction of the psalmist because he tells us in verse 3 where he has in fact been getting his water from: his tears. His tears have been his food day and night, with God nowhere in sight. God’s absence is noticeable even to those around him as people taunt him, asking him where his God is, in the midst of his pain.
Psalm 33 Devotional – He Puts the Sea into Jars!
I wonder what examples a psalmist would use for our epitomes of power today that we look to to deliver us… No businessman is saved by the size of his portfolio; no politician escapes by his great following. Possessions and wealth are vain hopes for deliverance, despite all their momentary comfort, they cannot save. Just as kings, physical strength, and horses were not sinful in the ancient world, I’m not saying portfolios, politics, and possessions are sinful today. But am I saying that we look to these things to deliver us. They are the things we spend most of our worry, anxiety, and stress on.
Psalm 28 Devotional – Running toward God, not away, when suffering comes
I have met so many people who have been through such difficult experiences (have experienced evil) that it has turned their hearts away from God. God is seen as the one inflicting the evil so we feel like he’s abandoned us or given up on us. The Psalms don’t answer the question of why there is evil in the world or how could a good God allow suffering. These questions are valid, but they don’t have any slam dunk answers, and the Psalms don’t try giving any. But what we see in Psalm 28 is in the midst of evil’s afflictions, the psalmist turns toward God not away from him. We are going to experience trouble, evil, pain, suffering, et al in this world. Jesus assures us of this in John 16:33. I’ve had my own doubts and wrestling with God about why he has allowed me to experience certain sufferings and evils and the conclusion I have drawn is two-fold:
The Idol of Marriage
Much of what fuels a single person to long for marriage is the lack of feeling of wholeness they have, and the idea that marriage will bring them that wholeness. In this sense, marriage becomes an idol, and we know idols never fulfill their promises. Many married people have bought into this trap as well, […]
“God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle” –Oh Really?
Have you ever heard the “Bible verse” God will never give you more than you can handle? It’s amazing to me in my years of ministry how often someone quotes this “verse” in regards to their situation (they’ve been taught this), then looks at me perplexed with beat up, broken down, “way more than they […]
When Your Marriage is Running on Empty…
(Ladies, I originally wrote this for men and left the language that way in the blog post. Please swap out “wife” for “husband”, “her” for “him” etc. as these principles should apply to you as well) Your love for your wife cannot be rooted in her love for you. You cannot wait to do nice […]