He is the Lord Almighty and we can rest in him. So often we try to do God’s job. We put the weight of the world on our shoulders, thinking it’s our job to solve all of life’s problems. We forget that our job is to worship and glorify the King, it’s his job to do everything else. The psalms have been clear that all of our problems in this life are not going to go away, but they are also clear that God defeats Satan. God defeats evil. God is the ultimate victor and we are on his team. We can rest and trust in him through all of the ups and downs of this life. Through the times we are drowning. Through the storm and the war.
Psalm 11 Devotional – When Your Foundation is Destroyed
When we are going through suffering and trials, we so often forget that there is an eternal or spiritual reality that is as true, if not more true, than the temporary, physical reality we see in front of us. When our foundations in this physical reality get destroyed, it’s so easy to think it’s the end of the world. It’s so easy to think all hope is lost and to fall deep into despair. Psalm 11 reminds us that God’s job is never at stake. He’s never on the hot seat. God will judge the wicked, period. And God will rescue his children, period. God loves justice. God wins. God is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
Psalm 8 Devotional – When Anxiety Meets Jaw Dropping Awe
It is okay to feel small sometimes. We always need to remember we are significant, have value, and are incredibly loved by God. But we can experience those truths while also meditating on how small we truly all in this universe. As already mentioned, this turns us toward God in worship. But it also helps with our daily stressors and anxiety. It’s helpful to zoom out. It helps to know I am part of something way bigger than me. It helps to know that this whole operation doesn’t rise and fall on my shoulders. It helps to know God was on the throne before I was born and he will be on the throne after I am gone. It helps to know that when something feels like the end of the world… it isn’t.
5 Ways to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed
5 Ways to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed: 1. Don’t be enslaved to pleasing people. Don’t give people authority to judge you that they don’t have. Don’t live your life as if what everyone thinks about you trumps what God thinks about you. Colossians 1:22 tells us that in Jesus, we are holy, without blemish, and free […]
Pray for your Pastor
This reminded me of the recent blog post I did on The Struggles of Being a Pastor. This is another great reminder to pray for your pastor. I’m not posting this for self-pity or to complain, but to raise awareness as most all of these are true of me and likely of your pastor as […]
How to help your anxiety: Zoom Out
This is the creepy close up to my house that Google Maps has on their satellite image database. My favorite part is my ’95 Civic parked in the driveway, a.k.a. the best car ever, which is sadly no longer with us, R.I.P. This is typically how our anxiety feels: right on top of us. If […]