What does the Bible say about anger? Ditch Your Goals for Adventures, Ditch Your Anger for Peace I’ve struggled with anger for most of my life. There are generally two types of anger. One is projected toward a specific person or persons like the spray of a machine gun, the other is brooding and internal […]
4 Books on Experiencing God, Rather than Just Knowing About Him
Do you have “Christian Fatigue Syndrome?” Are you tired of helping other people enjoy God while wondering if you’ll ever enjoy him again? Do you feel like you’re on a spiritual treadmill? Does God feel academic, cognitive and sterile rather than personal, intimate and close? (I would have said yes to all of these things […]
Worshiping an Uncool God in a Cool Culture
The USA Today section of my Lansing State Journal has an article in it with the startling title “Multitasking teens pick texting over sleeping.” The article goes on to say how teens spend around 9 hours a day on “entertainment media” which includes social media, music, gaming or online videos, (i.e. time on their smart […]