I recently recorded a shorter podcast episode on some of my observations of Pride Month, specifically about conservative Christians’ reaction to it. I mention in the podcast how it was a sort of “subscriber exclusive” as it would only appear on my podcast feed and I wouldn’t be sharing it broader. I didn’t want to get tangled up in the black hole of blog and social media comments around this topic, from both sides of the spectrum.
I got several messages from straight listeners encouraging me to post it more broadly, but the reason I’m going ahead with this blog post, which I’ll share on social media, is because of a message I received from a follower of Jesus who is LGBTQ and is committed to the traditional interpretation of Scripture that sex and marriage is to be between a man and a woman. This listener has sacrificed and surrendered their own sexual behavior so that their life lines up with Scripture (if only more straight Christians would have this type of faith and obedience), yet still has been rejected and dehumanized by Christians. Here is an excerpt from what they wrote me:
I basically cried through much of episode 97a. I don’t know why exactly, but anytime I hear a straight man speak with understanding and compassion about LGBTQ issues it helps me in ways I can’t explain adequately. In part, I guess it’s because I felt very much like I was not a real boy growing up and entered manhood totally convinced that I wasn’t a real man and that real men (defined in my head as heterosexually-attracted men) would never care or accept someone like me. I was convinced that I was less than other men and that to be truly known by them would mean being rejected and hated.
Straight Christians: the things you say (and post on social media) matter. They matter, they matter, they matter.
A few bullet points, then the podcast will be embedded at the bottom of this blog.
- I believe in the traditional interpretation of Scripture that sex and marriage are to be between a biological male and female.
- This post and episode are not about changing your views on this polarizing topic. The comment thread on this blog or on my social media will not be a place to debate the different views. Debate comments will be deleted.
- Disrespectful comments from either side of the spectrum will be deleted.
- Comments will be deleted if it’s clear you did not listen to the entire podcast episode.
- This episode is primarily directed toward Bible-believing Christians whose behavior and use of Scripture is not demonstrating that they are Bible-believing Christians.
- It’s calling Christians to live like Christ.
- In the episode, I give an off-the-cuff definition of what the sin of pride is that the Bible refers to. There are a few other things that came to me after recording that I’d also like to include in that definition:
- Not reaching out for help
- Trying to do everything yourself
- Always having to win or be first
- Can’t admit when you’re wrong
- Creating realities that don’t exist as a way of never admitting you’re wrong
- Won’t take counsel from others
- Has all the answers
- Whatever the opposite of humility is
I hope this episode encourages you and challenges you. You can find “The Flip Side Podcast with Noah Filipiak” on any podcast app. This is from June 11th, 2024:
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