Weekly Bible Reading Devotional
Day 1 – Read Hebrews 1
The book of Hebrews is written to a persecuted group of Christians who are struggling to keep their faith. Its focus is on connecting the Old Testament with Jesus, showing that Jesus is the fulfillment of what the Old Testament was pointing toward. Chapter 1 focuses on exalting who Jesus is. Take time to exalt Jesus today.
Day 2 – Read Hebrews 2
Focus in on verses 11-15. See how Jesus coming to earth in the flesh allowed him to have such an intimate relationship with us that he’d call us his brothers, while at the same time, his perfect life and perfect sacrifice on the cross allowed him to meet the righteous requirements of the Law on our behalf, conquering death on our behalf. He did this by experiencing death but then literally and physically raising from the dead. V.18 begins to introduce a key concept to the suffering Hebrew people (and to us)àJesus suffered, therefore he can relate to our suffering.
Day 3- Read Hebrews 4:14-16
Going off of yesterday’s point from 2:18, take time to meditate on the truth of 4:14-16àthat because Jesus came in the flesh and experienced what we experience, he can relate to us in our suffering and our trials in a personal way. Compare this to any other world religion where the god or gods are always distant and untouchable. Take time to thank Jesus and worship him for the personal relationship and the comfort he offers you.
Day 4 – Read Isaiah 61
This is the passage Jesus quoted in Luke 4:18-19 when he first publicly introduced himself in the Jewish synagogue. Verse 8 refers to the new covenant that Jesus would make with the people of God (us!). It’s pretty incredible that this passage was written ~800 years before Jesus, yet describes what Jesus would bring to the world.
Day 5 – Read Isaiah 53
This chapter (again, written ~800 years before Jesus) foreshadows Jesus’ death on the cross and how he would bear the sins of the world on him through this death. This is the ultimate sacrifice for sins that the entire Old Testament is pointing toward.
Bonus Reading: Read all of Isaiah 49-55, a group of chapters in Isaiah that specifically prophesies about the coming Messiah (Jesus)
Sermon on Hebrews 1-2, “What Was Incomplete About the Old Testament?”
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